This is a press release from D. Adam Diem about the upcoming gravel race in Titusville, PA, the Roughneck Gravel Roubaix. This inaugural event is a fantastic opportunity for area small business owners and cyclists all over the world.
The Greater Oil Region located in Titusville Pennsylvania has all the terrain, gravel, and scenic vistas to host one of the premier gravel races in America. To say that we are excited to bring a race like this to the City of Titusville and the Valley that Changed the World is an understatement. On May 28, 2022 gravel bike racers on all of the planned routes will start and finish in Titusville Pennsylvania, the Birthplace of the Oil Industry and home of the modern production oil well, Drake Well. The racers will then travel up and down windy dirt roads, along the Allegheny River, past the ghost town of Pithole, with the longest route passing right by the longest continuous production oil well, the McLintock Well. Second only to entering the race, the best way to understand how challenging and memorable this destination race will be is as a supporter and sponsor.
A primary goal of the event’s founder, D. Adam Diem, who once called Titusville home, is to unite and engage the Titusville community in hosting an event that we are all proud to have in our hometown. The community stepped up to the challenge by engaging in the event naming competition and we’re building a multi-year partnership with the Titusville Area High School art department to design the event logo and t-shirts. Naming competition winners will receive a Chamber of Commerce gift card and art students are eligible for a scholarship awarded through the alumni association.
We look forward to partnering with as many local businesses as possible in the planning, sponsorship, and execution of the event. We welcome sponsors and vendors from neighboring communities and areas; however, we will seek every opportunity possible to partner with local businesses. Additionally, we will be partnering with local non-profit organizations to help run the aide stations, course marshaling, and other volunteer needs of the event.
You may be wondering how you and your business can get involved with this event or perhaps how you can ride in this truly epic event. There are plentiful opportunities ranging from in kind sponsorship of goods, swag, or raffle prizes to various levels of financial sponsorship that would all be helpful to making this a great event. We welcome support and sponsorship from all businesses and individuals who are interested in helping to build an event that will stand the test of time and be a premier gravel event in the U.S.
If you would be interested in sponsoring this great event coming to Titusville and the Greater Oil Region, please contact me at 440-558-6629 or
Thank you for your consideration,
Daniel Adam Diem
Owner/Event Director